Watch Peter Arcidiacono introducing CREDO's mentoring program
The CREDO mentoring program is designed to facilitate the growth of Catholic economists, be it in their research, navigating work/life balance, growing in their faith, or understanding how to better connect economics and Catholic teaching. Mentors and mentees will meet sometime between once a month and once a quarter, with the mentee free to choose to meet less often or to end the relationship altogether; the purpose of the program is help the mentee.
Below are a list of mentors with links to their bios, contact information, and whether they currently have space to take on an additional mentee. If you are interested in the possibility of meeting regularly with one of the available mentors, please email them using the contact information below. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please contact Peter Arcidiacono ( or Borja Larrain ( as well as reviewing the mentor guidelines that can be found here. Any concerns or questions about the program should also be addressed to Borja or Peter.
The CREDO peer mentoring program is designed to provide small group support for Catholic economists. Groups will generally meet sometime between once a month to once a quarter. If you are interested in joining a small group, please contact Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde ( Please also indicate whether you would be willing to serve as point person for the group and any preferences over meeting times.

Peter Arcidiacono

María Marta Ferreyra

Francis Kemeze

John Larrivee

Carola Binder

Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

Borja Larraín

Doug Norton

Maggie Triyana